MPFC Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Date: 10 September 2024
Time: 1100-1400
Jarod Reibel – Ed Lowe Foundation
Katie Carlisle – Huron Clinton Metro Parks
Mary Parr – PCCI
Ben Savoie – Barry CD
Michele Richards – Michigan Army National Guard
Cody Selewski – GT Land Conservancy
Stephanie Diep – KNC
Bruce Miller – TNC
Jack McGowan-Stinski – LSFC
Steve Woods – Huron Pines
Todd Aschenbach – GVSU
Glenn Palmgren – MDNR
Julie McLaughlin – Huron Clinton Metroparks
Vic Bogosian – Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
Andy Henriksen – NRCS
Amy Frye – NRCS
Sara Kelso – FAP Forester
Keith Murphy – MDNR
Shelby Majors – USFS
Carly Graff – FAP Forester
Matt Zika – NWS
By-Law Section Review
Article II:
Changes from last meeting reviewed.
Vote: Jarod moved to accept the changes, Ben seconded, passed unanimously.
Article III:
Defining the Steering Committee remains challenging without being overly exclusive. Decision made to table this until next meeting (Section 8).
Aim to have an inclusive "big tent" for membership, though this brings challenges in balancing input.
Membership perks include the right to vote on council decisions.
Language to be updated for gender neutrality. Jarod will revise and send out for a vote next time.
Subcommittee Updates
Education and Outreach:
Forest to MI Faucet Subcommittee:
The grant was too overwhelming to administer from the outreach subcommittee; a new lead is needed. The grant runs from 2025-2026 and is limited to south of the 43rd parallel.
The Northern MI Fire Collaborative is interested in co-coordinating learn-and-burn and outreach events in northern Michigan next year.
Funds must be used by September 2026 and can cover training supplies such as tools and PPE. Six events on private lands are planned.
Lead team: Ryan, Steve, Michele, and Jarod.
Legacy Land Conservancy might be interested in participating, and Katie will make connections.
NDA Learn and Burn:
A learn-and-burn event was hosted in Hillsdale, with Mark Sargent speaking on behalf of MPFC. It was hosted by the National Deer Association with $1,000 contribution from the Forest to MI Faucet grant. This was the only deliverable achieved for the grant this year. The goal is two events per year.
Burning Issues Planning:
Jarod is chairing the Burning Issues event again this year.
Scheduled for 4-5 February 2025 at Camp Grayling, focusing on northern Michigan partners.
The event will feature larger rooms and consistent pricing at $90 (with a reduced $45 rate for students or financial need). + processing fees
Capacity will be the overarching topic, with sessions on water quality, fire, wildlife, and fire history.
Draft agenda to be shared soon.
Training and Qualifications:
Huron Pines is hosting a fire field day scheduled for 9/19 at Caberfae with 28 participants (full capacity).
Plans for September 2025 TREX are in progress, with Camp Grayling as the target site (backup sites are also being considered).
The Training and Qualifications MOU has garnered additional interest, and the current signed copy will be circulated.
Chainsaw training opportunities with the USFS will be offered to MPFC partners.
Plans for field days in spring 2025 in southern Michigan are in the works, with Michele and Steve ensuring coordination.
Quarterly Finance Update
Stephanie provided the financial update.
Michele proposed purchasing a tablecloth and display for MPFC to use at events, including Burning Issues. Will bring proposed items and pricing to next meeting.
Burning Issues registration and sponsors brought in the largest amount of income. We had higher individual donations than usual this year, which may be related to supporting the SW Michigan TREX which helped get our name out. $1,421.00 of the budgetted $21,720 grant funds for the year was used; the remaining will roll over into the next fiscal year but we must be used the entirety of the $50,720.00 by Sept 2026.
Administrative and Burning Issues were the largest expenses.
This was the first year since COVID epidemic that we ended with a net positive balance. This is due to reduced admin costs being charged at half rate this year.
Strategic Plan
No updates at this time. Still looking for someone to lead conversations with tribal members to include them.
Partner Updates/Events
Glenn Palmgren (MDNR):
Grace Hannah Cooper has accepted the CPBM position but is currently on maternity leave. She will start in October and take the lead on prescribed fire initiatives within MDNR, with Glenn supporting.
NWCG received substantial grant funding for an overhaul of taskbooks, classes, and positions over the next five years.
New taskbooks and training for RXB2 and CRWB positions are rolling out.
A learning consultant company is involved, emphasizing experiential learning, classroom instruction, and job shadowing.
New burn-specific weather software was introduced this spring, with some small issues still being worked out.
Weather forecast: Warm and very dry for the next two weeks downstate, with minimal rain in the UP.
Call for Leadership
Nominations are needed for Vice President for the coming year.
Volunteers are encouraged to lead/participate in subcommittees and other initiatives.
Next Meeting
The final meeting of the year will be held at Ed Lowe Foundation on December 10th at 11am-2pm EST. RSVPs are required to provide food.
SWAG Pre-Order
Long-sleeve shirts will be available for pre-order via PDF forms. Orders must be emailed to by Nov 14, 2024. Orders will be ready for pickup at the December meeting or Burning Issues or shipped for an additional fee.