25th Annual MPFC Meeting & 11th Annual Burning Issues Workshop
Event Sponsor: Edward Lowe Foundation and Pheasants Forever
February 4 & 5, 2025
In-Person: Airfield Building 1173 classroom A and B, 1160 Bataan Ave, Grayling, MI 49738 (Coordinates for the site are 44°40′49″N, 084°43′44″W)
24th Annual MPFC Meeting & 10th Annual Burning Issues Workshop
February 6 & 7, 2024
In-Person: Fort Custer Training Center Auditorium in Education Building: 2514 26th St, Augusta, MI 49012
EVENT SPONSOR: Edward Lowe Foundation
Click Here for details and links to all sponsors
9:00am - 9:15am WELCOME
Amy Frye, MPFC Chair
Keynote Sesssion: Traditional Fire Knowledge: Yesterday’s Lessons, Today’s Practitioners
Session Sponsor: Edward Lowe Foundation
Moderator: Stephanie Diep, Kalamazoo Nature Center
Virtual Moderator: Jarod Reibel, Edward Lowe Foundation
9:15am - 9:35am Mary Parr, Stewardship Manager Pierce Cedar Creek Institute
The past and present significance of Ishkode in Anishinaabeg culture and historical fire ecology.
9:35am - 9:55am Ferin Davis Anderson, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Reciprocal Restoration and Cultural Fire Revitalization
9:55am - 10:15am Eric Clark, Lead Wildlife Biologist, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians
Co-Stewardship on Federal Lands
10:15am - 10:25am Q&A
10:25am-10:40am Break
10:40am-11:00am Vic Bogosian, Natural Resources Manager, Pokégnek Bodéwadmik - Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
Mégwa shë gda zgë’gémen (meh-gwa zhuh, gda-zguh-geh-men), “We Should Burn Things More”. A review of early settler accounts and aspects of culture today to discuss how indigenous fire perspectives can help us move forward as fire practitioners.
11:00am - 11:20am Nathan Walker, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Housing Dept and Athens Fire Dept Captain, Stephen W. Allen, President of Geum Services, Inc. , and Douglas Taylor, Elder of Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi
Current partnership between NHBP and Athens Fire Dept
11:20am - 12:00pm Panel Q&A Discussion
12:00pm - 1:15pm Lunch
Canadian Fires, Michigan’s Air: Dealing with Air Quality Impacts
Session Sponsor: Native Connections
Moderator: Jarod Reibel, Edward Lowe Foundation
Virtual Moderator: Amy Frye, NRCS
1:15pm - 1:25pm Cort Scholten, Meteorologist, National Weather Service
Canadian weather conditions contributing to the fires
1:25pm - 1:35pm Jim Haywood, Senior Meteorologist, EGLE
Michigan’s Air Quality Impacts
Michigan’s Air Quality Impacts
1:35pm - 2:35pm Panel Q&A Discussion
Cort Scholten, Meteorologist, National Weather Service
Trent Wickman & Alexia Prosperi, Air Resource Specialists, US Forest Service
Paul Rogers, Fire Prevention Specialist, DNR
Ryan Koziatek, Stewardship Director, Kalamazoo Nature Center
Jim Haywood, Senior Meteorologist, EGLE
Shelby Majors, Assistant Fire Management Officer, US Forest Service
2:35pm - 2:50pm Break
Bats, Butterflies, and Turtles: Wildlife in Fire-Dependent Habitats
Session Sponsor: Blue Heron Ministries
Moderator: Craig Maier, Tallgrass Prairie and Oak Savanna Fire Science Consortium
Virtual Moderator: Lee Osterland
2:50pm - 3:10pm Jennifer Wong, Fish and Wildlife Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bats & Fire
3:10pm - 3:30pm Ashley Cole-Wick, Conservation Associate in Zoology, Michigan Natural Features Inventory:
Butterflies & Fire
3:30pm - 3:50pm Alicia Ihnken, Stewardship Analyst, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation Division:
Box Turtles & Fire
3:50pm - 4:00pm Panel Q&A Discussion
4:00pm - 6:00pm MPFC Social Hour and Silent Auction (in-person only)
9:00am - 9:05am WELCOME
Jarod Reibel, MPFC Vice-Chair, Edward Lowe Foundation
Invasive Species and Fire
Session Sponsor: City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation
Moderator: Tina Stephens, City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation
Virtual Moderator: Amy Frye
9:05am - 9:25am Joshua Cohen, Ecologist, Michigan Natural Features Inventory
9:45am - 10:05am David Mindell, Owner/Ecologist, PlantWise LLC
10:05am - 10:20am Panel Q&A Discussion: Joshua Cohen, David Mindell, Michele Richards (Fort Custer Training Center Army National Guard), and Ray Fahlsing (DNR Parks and Rec)
Invasive Species Treatment Prioritization Model
StoryMap Link: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/1243c098a45a4f4db11082fbcb16e0f6
Web Map Application: https://mnfi.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=708feb31a8034e90b9ba70bd0324b225
Technical report from Fort Custer Training Center entitled “Prioritizing Invasive Species Treatment at Fort Custer Training Center Using GIS-based Multicriteria Decision Analysis”: https://mnfi.anr.msu.edu/reports/MNFI-Report-2023-04.pdf
Prescribed Fire Needs Assessment Model
StoryMap Link: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/02094dd68d874331a9977fc80d6d7247
Web Map Application: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/0b9d43cbfcf94f6b9a698ce2d646b0e8/
Paper on prescribed fire needs assessment model in special issue of Diversity on fire:
“Assessing the Ecological Need for Prescribed Fire in Michigan Using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis: Igniting Fire Gaps” is available for free download at https://doi.org/10.3390/d13030100
Automated Monitoring Platform for Invasive Species
Technical Report for Coastal Zone Management Program entitled “Development of an Automated Monitoring Platform for Invasives in Coastal Ecosystems”: mnfi.anr.msu.edu/reports/MNFI-Report-2019-05.pdf
Paper entitled “Development of an Automated Monitoring Platform for Invasive Plants in a Rare Great Lakes Ecosystem Using Uncrewed Aerial Systems and Convolutional Neural Networks” for the 2020 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems:
DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS48674.2020.9214035
10:20am - 10:40am BREAK
Prescribed Fire: Objectives and Outcomes
Session Sponsor: Presque Isle Conservation District
Moderator: Steve Woods, Huron Pines
Virtual Moderator: Jarod Reibel, Edward Lowe Foundation
10:40am - 12:00pm Panel Q&A Discussion
Lee Osterland, Retired DNR
Lars Brudvig, Professor MSU Department of Plant Biology
Ashley Cole-Wick, Conservation Associate in Zoology, Michigan Natural Features Inventory
Dan Zay, State Resource Conservationist, NRCS
Mark Sargent, Retired DNR
12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch
1:00PM - 3:00PM MPFC Annual Meeting
9th Annual Burning Issues Workshop and 23rd Annual Michigan Prescribed Fire Council Meeting
February 7 & 8, 2023
Hybrid at Camp Grayling, MI and online
Thank you to our event sponsors: Edward Lowe Foundation and Pheasants Forever
Click to download a full list of our sponsors, partners, and upcoming events!
Keynote: Gamebirds and Panel 1: Birds and Fire
Session sponsored by Native Connections
Eastern Meadow Lark, Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy
Click the speakers below to download/view the powerpoint for their presentations:
Keynote: Gamebirds by Don Bonnette, MI DNR Forester
Panel 1: Birds and Fire
Panel 2: Oak Savanna Management
Session funded by the White Oak Initiative
Photo of a prescribed fire to manage oak savanna by Justin Heslinga
Click the speakers below to download a copy of their presentation powerpoints:
Jesse Lincoln, Conservation Scientist, Michigan Natural Features Inventory
Justin Heslinga, Conservation Director of Land Conservancy of West Michigan
Mary Parr, Stewardship Manager at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute
Moderated by Michael Hahn, City of Ann Arbor Natural Areas Preservation
Panel 3: Research and Fire Monitoring
Photo by Kalamazoo Nature Center of a quantitative vegetation survey plot
Click the speakers below to download/view the powerpoints:
Panel 4: Fire in the Urban Interface
Session sponsored by City of Ann Arbor Natural Areas Preservation
Photo by David Borneman of burning window box vegetation
Click the speakers below to download the powerpoints:
Strategic planning session
Summary of conversation results: click to view/download