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For a networking forum, consider joining our public Facebook group to share fire resources, events and trainings, and request support from other practitioners who may be open to collaboration!
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To receive details and links to quarterly Steering Committee Meetings, upcoming trainings, events, research resources, and more!
Join Us! Become a Fire Council Member!
Membership is FREE!
Membership is available to all people, even agency folks as we are NOT considered a 501c3 non-profit but rather a “collaboration”. There is no application process, just the registration form to collect your information.
Members are expected to:
Attend quarterly Steering Committee Meetings as possible
Be involved with subcommittees/event planning/leadership roles as possible
Like/Share MI PFC and other members' fire-related social media
Share event/training details if open to public or MI PFC members
If contact info changes or you no longer wish to be a member, contact
Entry-level fire people welcome! If you can share/promote information, then we want you! This is a great community to learn more about prescribed fire and get more involved no matter your experience level!
Membership perks include:
Networking Opportunities
Right to Vote on MI PFC decisions (can pass on voting for any reason)
Early event/training registration when offered by MI PFC
Your name/org listed on the MI PFC website and fire consultants and/or volunteer crew page (if applicable)
Your fire-related social media posts tagged with @miprescribedfirecouncil will be reposted as a Facebook/Instagram story to our followers
Your events posted to the MI PFC events page on the website and promoted in quarterly newsletter emails when you send details to