Feb 28, 2023
11am-2pm (EST)
Hybrid Steering Committee Meeting open to all
In person location:
City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation Office
3875 East Huron River DriveAnn Arbor, MI, 48104
Photo by Nora Duncan
Laura Judge, Michael Hahn, Michele Richards, Amy Frye, Katie Carlisle, Tyler Micheal, Glenn Palmgren, Dennis Ireland, Jarod Reibel, Dave Borneman, Stephanie Diep, Brian Hintz (MSFA), Bruce Miller (TNC), Craig Maier (Tallgrass Fire Sci Consort), Jeb Barzen (WI PFC), John Fomusa (fire volunteer), Jack McGowan-Stinski (Lake State Consort), Lee Osterland (MI DNR), Mike Smalligan (MI DNR, SAF), Todd Aschenbach (GVSU), Vic Bogosian (Pokagon Band Potawatomi), Josh Wissinger (interest in volunteering Petersburg, MI), Tina Stephens
Welcome, introductions, and some quick ‘lay of the land’ updates (Amy Frye)
Need one MI PFC rep at monthly WI PFC meetings: Amy attended Feb WI PFC, Jarod will attend March WI PFC
Burning Issues Review
Finances/Registration Attendance (Stephanie Diep)
Feedback Surveys (Stephanie Diep)
majority positive feedback and “excellent” ranked execution and material
Comments from Council
Overall things went well, a few technical issues that can be resolved next year
More volunteers needed for small in-person tasks day of like sign-in, session moderators, coffee, etc. How best to communicate need? Sign-up Genius call for volunteers emails only got 3 sign-ups…despite multiple emails and targeted emails to Steering Committee for help.
Brief notes on Strategic Planning, Future Ideas for Membership, and Sub-Committee Outlook
Summaries of Surveys (Stephanie Diep)
*See the BI Review Download for summary of results
Discuss next steps
Subcommittees: Training, Outreach, BI Planning, Legislative, Private Contractors (Dave Borneman),
Discuss current sub-committees and whether or not another one or more is needed at this time, either long term or temporarily.
Training/Certification (Lead: Steve Woods)
Public Outreach (public) (Lead: vacant. Could use more active members.)
Burning Issues Planning (Could always use more active members, active Sept-March)
Legislative (Lead: vacant. Could use more active members.) - activate when needed, Smoke?, Cert Burn Boss?
Smoke Mgmt. Task Force is NOT NEEDED at this time. Trent Wickman and Jennifer Dixon (EGLE) are working with DNR. Fire council will share and promote use of the smoke management plan.
Strategic Committee (temporary/short term): (Lead: vacant. Could use members)
Start Grants/Fundraising/Merchandise (Lead: Stephanie Diep. Could use members)
Private Fire Consultants – Dave Borneman
update the Consultants List (many orgs are actively referring people there)
Collaboration of other private consultants to share resources/advice
Discuss ideas for membership: structure, requirements/expectations, benefits, to fee or not to fee?
Membership free (this year forward) unless we have more consistent incentives to offer (such as early registration/discounts on trainings, continued education credits for burn boss cert, discounts on merch, etc.)
General members need to apply once and will be included in the email list for notifications of events and resources, receive an email that says thank you for joining the council! Please follow us on social and share our posts and website resources with others. Optional donation of $25 to support the council. Need to set up a registration form.
Steering Committee members will apply once or annually? (roll over active members who may forget), update list on website annually, Steering Committee members are allowed to vote on policy changes and annual budget, expected to attend quarterly meetings as possible(3 hours every 3 months), expected to promote and share email and social media events/resources, optionally can participate in subcommittees (1-4 hours per month meetings and assigned tasks as able), optionally lead a subcommittee (2-8+ hours per month for planning and running meetings and taking notes to share at quarterly meetings), Optional $25 donation to support the council? 10% discount on merchandise? Receive a free MPFC bumper sticker?
Recognition of new members in quarterly and annual meeting
Recognition of 5 year members: free piece of MPFC merch (hat) announced at annual meeting
Recognition of 10 year members: free piece of MPFC merch (t-shirt, sweatshirt) announced at annual meeting
Ideas for tiered membership for future with different pricing options. Having a fee would provide more stable income for support of administrative cost or for training/event costs.
MI PFC Leadership will discuss new proposed changes and membership expectations, vision/mission, and present at next quarterly meeting
Annual Finance Update (Stephanie Diep)
Totals Summary
Quarter 1.5 (Oct 2022-March 2023)
Expenses YTD $12,037.43
Revenue YTD: $17,281.18
Net Profit YTD: $5,243.75
Current Bank Balance: $23,677.34
Propose moving FY to Federal Oct 1st cycle
Admin was previously funded by a sponsor who can no longer fund this position. Admin rate has been raised from $55 to $60/hour. Expected 10-15 hours per month, $6000 for the remainder of the FY (until Oct). Roughly $1,200 available from White Oak Funds for Admin time. Remainder will need funded out of sponsorships/donations, additional training/event registrations, or the MI PFC coffers.
Proposed 2023 Budget: note that we are already partly into the fiscal year and it includes this past Burning Issues but not next year’s Burning Issues, Items with * are full or partial distributions of the White Oak Grant funds
Partner Updates
MI Smoke Management Plan needs updates, determine task force to work on this (Jack described that Trent Wickman is working on legislation but needs assistance to push for enactment across the burn community).
ACI (Accelerated Curtain Incinerator) issues with using in the State of Michigan (Brian Stearns)
White Oak Grant Funds Discussion
Funds remaining/increased (Stephanie Diep)
Awarded $8,000 increased to $10,000 (all to be used by Aug 1, 2023 with 1:1 match if possible but not necessary)
$6,149.02 remaining to be used
Voted and passed the following distributions:
KNC Fire Exhibit (Stephanie Diep)
KNC was awarded $4,000 separate from MI PFC from the White Oak Grant for exhibit installation costs of ($10k)
Walk into Wildfire traveling Exhibit coming to Kalamazoo in June for 1 year
Features video footage and audio from within great lakes fires as an interactive, immersive exhibit
Reach school groups, general public, private landowners
Tribal perspectives and talk will occur in June, may be available for future Burning Issues (Damon Panek, Wildland Fire Manager for the Fond du Lac band of Ojibwe)
KNC interested in collaborating with MPFC and having a targeted event for members to come (Network social hour?)
KNC request to use MPFC sand tables in exhibit (would not travel with the exhibit to next destination)
1:00pm Wrap-up
Next Steps: MI PFC Leadership will discuss new proposed changes and membership expectations, vision/mission, and present at next quarterly meeting
Membership and Steering Committee Registrations will be emailed out and posted on website soon
In-Person Hybrid Locations for 2023:
Feb 28: SE: City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation Office, 3875 E Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
NEXT MEETING: May 30: Hybrid with in person SE: MetroParks, 13000 Highridge Drive, Brighton, MI, 48114 United States
Opportunity for burn unit field trip after meeting
Sept 5: UP: Biomass Innovation Center, Escanaba, MI
Dec 5: SW: Ed Lowe, Cassopolis, MI