Date: 12/5/2023
Location: Hybrid - Kalamazoo Nature Center
In-Person (6): Jarod Reibel (Edward Lowe Foundation), Dave Brown (SWMLC), Mary Ellen Miller (MI Tech), Stephanie Diep (KNC), Dave Borneman, Stuart Goldman (MNA)
Online (21): Ryan Koziatek (KNC), Glenn Palmgren (MI DNR), Katie Carlisle (Huron-Clinton MetroParks), Brian Hintz, Vic Bogosian (Pokagon Band Potawatomi), Gary Werner, Amy Frye (NRCS), Joel Campbell, Elysia Detweiler, Bruce Miller (TNC), Chuck Vannette, Robert Johnston (Stantec), Jeb Barzen (WI PFC), Steve Woods (Huron Pines), Tina Stephens (Ann Arbor NAP), Buffy Dunham, John Taylor (Ball State Univ), Andy Henriksen (NRCS), Steve Cross, Julie McLaughlin (DNR), Mark Sargent
Opportunities discussed during this meeting:
Call for a new vice chair! Experience is great, but not necessary. Grow with us!
Volunteers for Burning Issues event, contact Jarod or
If interested in working with education/outreach subcommittee, reach out to Tina Stephens ( or
Steve Woods and the MI Cohesive Strategy Meeting to get agency leaders together...if you think you could provide assistance with this, reach out to Steve ( or
Mary Ellen Miller looking for land managers to meet with NASA and Forest Service to discuss solutions to problems that remote sensing/modeling could help with (related to fire, invasives, or other land management needs) contact
DNR Rx Burn Specialist - includes representative to MPFC in description - Closed 12/4/23
Meeting Time: General consensus that 11am-2pm meeting time has been working, like hybrid option with rotating regional hosting org each quarter, agreement that hosting org can provide lunch and in-person participants will RSVP in advance and contribute to cost of food if they would like food provided OR they will pack a lunch (or lunch out after meeting)
Call for interest in developing a regional cohesive fire strategy for Michigan and MOU’s for regional partnerships between organizations, agencies, etc. Steve Woods is interested in discussing with others interested. Need someone well positioned between agencies and other orgs to coordinate/lead efforts. Need outline for initial discussion/meeting and desired outcomes from a meeting. Can a meeting be hosted at Burning Issues or at a NE-MW Regional Fire Council Exchange meeting? KNC will have a new staff that will be positioned to assist with this type of effort within the next year. MI DNR is hiring a new staff that will be managing the Burn Manager program and should be involved.
Burning Issues Update (Jarod Reibel):
Scheduled for Feb 6 & 7, 2024 hybrid at Fort Custer Training Center Augusta, MI or online. Registration open!
In-Person only pre-workshop hosted in partnership with Lake States Fire Science Consortium Smoke TOOLS Workshop Feb 5 limited capacity, non-refundable registration, register with Burning Issues registration
Speakers and session schedule is almost confirmed and will be posted some time in January.
We need more sponsors! Contact for more info on sponsoring or contributing to the silent auction.
Will call for additional volunteers during the event. Look for emails in the future.
Training Committee Update (Steve Woods):
TREX is coming up in May 6-15 at Fort Custer Training Center
We would like to share more training opportunities on our Events page and Training page at - Send details for events to add to Stephanie at
Steph will work on tinkering with the visual of the Events page and see about an embedded Google calendar
Huron Pines is hosting a Fire Field Day in April
Ball State University is hosting S130/S190 and fire manager trainings in Feb and March
Education and Outreach Update (Tina Stephens):
Tina Stephens is our new lead for this subcommittee focused on public outreach such as Learn and Burn events
Working with Laura Judge (MACD) on planning a learn and burn
Contact Tina if you are interested in joining this subcommittee
Strategic Plan Update (Mark Sargent):
Subcommittee has drafted a strategic plan for MPFC
Draft will be sent out to all MPFC members via email for review mid-December with comments/edits needed by Jan 12 {VIEW DRAFT HERE}
Find Review Survey Here
Will unveil the final version at the annual meeting in February
WI PFC Update (Jeb Barzen):
WI PFC is in a similar situation as MI PFC and looking at many of the same issues/tasks
Measurable goals for WI PFC include increasing a certain amount of statewide burned acreage annually in alignment with the fire needs assessment
We need to train more burn bosses and squad bosses in order to achieve more burn capacity/burned acreage
They have hired a part-time staff dedicated to training and certification coordination
They hope to hire 2 full-time staff for WI PFC
Every burn conducted should involve learning, training, and mentoring
Lessons learned: 1) Don’t overthink things. 2) Consider multiple pathways to achieve goals/objectives. 3) Try to avoid ‘one off’ type events…build in longevity when possible.
Program Specialist Position Open for Applications WPFC Is Hiring! - Wisconsin Prescribed Fire Council
Finance Update (Stephanie Diep):
Merchandise stock is good, may need to order more stickers prior to Burning Issues
So far a few merchandise sales and two sponsors for Burning Issues (Dave Borneman Restoring Nature with Fire, LLC and Blue Heron Ministries)
Mostly admin expenses so far but KNC is offering Steph’s rate at 50% up to 10 hours per month
Forest to Michigan Faucet grant from US Forest Service is prepared to give MPFC $50k over 2024-2025 to use for fire trainings and public outreach. Leadership will be meeting to discuss details.
Breakdown of training expenses/budget needs to be determined (how much per training, what type of training, etc.)
The proposed budget includes a new 3 year grant to cover costs of public outreach and training events. Administrative time is being charged at half rate. The total projected revenue after expenses is expected to be $5k to stay under taxable profit.
The current quarter has not had many financial transactions with the Administrative labor being the main expense and a few merchandise sales and Burning Issues sponsors as income. Most expenses and revenue for the year are expected in the coming quarter around Burning Issues in February.
In-Person attendees had the opportunity to see the KNC Rekindling Fire and People Exhibit.

KNC Rekindling Fire and People exhibit will be up until sometime in January (depends on schedule for floor renovations). Stop by and check it out when you are able before it is gone! Contact Stephanie or Ryan Koziatek if you want a tour. Exhibits - Kalamazoo Nature Center